Running Coach South Oxfordshire

Kickstart your training with a head-to-toe running technique assessment. A 90-minute session covering the fundamentals of optimal running, with a personalised report written by your coach. Optimise your running – find a running coach local to you.

Get The Basics Of Recovery Right Before Getting Too Fancy

When you first start running you’ll find that you make huge gains purely by being consistent as well as increasing the frequency and quality of your training. Over time, however, you might also benefit from tweaking yourrunning form, though trying to change this without an expert on hand can be tricky. He recommends starting with ten reps of around 40 seconds. “If you slow down during a sprint, end the session because only quality reps improve speed,” he says.

So you get the motivation, inspiration and support you need. Whoever you are, whatever your pace, if you want to improve your running, then we can work together. We provide contemporary coaching support packages for UK charity team events.

Choose The Right Coaching Support For You

We are always guided by the goals you set with us and will never pressure our coaching on you. I’ve been working with Jo for 3 months now and I couldn’t be any happier of choosing her! She’s amazing, very professional, dynamic and very aware of what your body needs. I’ve noticed a big change in my strength and my muscles so far.

Everybody has a different unique interpretation of running. Some lean forward, others backwards, some heel strike and others run on the forefoot, some have little to no arm action. Everybody believes that their own natural way of running is best for them. With time and increased training the first injuries usually appear, a stress fracture, Achilles pain etc. Very often the root cause of those injuries are down to our own bio-mechanical flaws. A visit to The Running Lab does not have to be an either-o, rather see an assessment as being complementary to the treatment that you are receiving.

If you have to do five or six hours of work or studying, it’s hard to be fresh. If you can nap and perhaps do two hours of work, it’s OK.” Don’t use us as an excuse if you’re fired for napping at work, but the point stands that if you’ve set your sights on a challenging time, you need to minimise stress. If that’s impossible, you may need to temper your expectations. Getting yourself pumped up for a hard training run is great, but it’s important that between your sessions you relax. That’s trickier for people with families and/or who work full-time than it is for athletes whose job it is to train and recover, but it’s something everyone can get better at. Naturally there are also a lot of excellent books about the best way to train for a marathon or other running event.

If you absolutely must do something, then make sure it’s nothing more taxing than some foam rolling or a very gentle cross-training session on a bike or in the pool. I am a fully qualified, licensed British Athletics Coach and former elite athlete. I’ve competed for Great Britain and England on track, road and cross country.

At Victus Soul prepare for sprints, climbs and the notorious dynamic mode combined with HIIT training and our dedicated recovery for a workout that gives as much as you put in. We’ll work together to get the most out of every session, while keeping it friendly, fun and Running Technique Training in London achievable. We’ll adapt as we go, always working to get the best for you. Or you may simply want motivation and encouragement for one of your training runs, or help developing the ‘running habit’. You can gain all this knowledge by signing up with OMnutritionist.
